We're Trying To Stay Positive... – Green Goo

We're Trying To Stay Positive...

We trying to stay positive . . . but there’s a different energy in the air and we feel like if we don’t name it and honor it, we can’t deal with it. So . . . we’re scared. Scared for our families, for our communities, for our business, and our country. We’re scared because we don’t know how long this might last or what the true toll on all of us will be. We’re heartbroken. For so many of us, this pandemic hasn’t hit home yet, but thousands and thousands of people around the world have had their lives ripped apart by this awful virus. We recognize how lucky we are. We’re going to keep saying it will be alright, even if voicing that thought feels more like a plea some days than a surety.

We trying to stay positive . . . but we miss you. So often it is the community, the tribe, the family that bands together, gives each other strength, and tackles the impossible task of recovery. Right now we can’t hold each other up. The way we must band together is to stay apart. We miss your faces. We need you, but you’re not here and the loneliness is hard to bear.

We're Trying To Stay Positive... – Green Goo


We trying to stay positive. . . but we need to root our positivity in truth. If it doesn’t come from a place of understanding, then it’s just worthless falderal. We don’t want to offer you something fake right now. We all deserve better than that. We know it’s going to get worse, before it gets better. This social distancing may go on for months. Businesses may be closed indefinitely. Our health care system in many cities and towns is going to get overwhelmed.

We trying to stay positive . . . so we wake up every day and we help, in whatever ways we can. We say I love you on conference calls. We make hand sanitizer, because we can, even though it isn’t something we would normally do. We post recipes and playlists and pictures of dogs on social media. We're doing our best, but it doesn’t feel like enough.

We trying to stay positive. . . but perhaps it is better to say that we are resolved. We swear to each of you that we will be tireless in our mission to Spread Goodness. We will lift each other up. We will cry when tears are necessary. We will sing when our own words fail. We will dance and howl at the moon. We'll be here, every day, trying.

We're Trying To Stay Positive... – Green Goo

Thank you to everyone who is fighting on the front lines. We see you. We are you. We need you. We love you. From doctors and nurses to garbage collectors and grocery workers, we are so grateful for your courage and grit. Thank you. A million times, thank you.

To everyone else - be kind today. Be kind to yourself and those lives you still touch. Maybe don’t post that mean reply or that snarky comment. Maybe take a breath and give a second or third chance. Try to focus on what matters. That's what we're doing.

And try to stay positive. If you’re not mourning or sick, recognize how lucky you are. Do what you know you’re supposed to do and then do what you can. We’re going to get through this. Eventually, it will get better. There is power in the mantra "It’s going to be alright". We know it isn't easy. We struggle every day. Don't give up. Keep trying. The world needs your light. 

We love you. Thank you for the gift that is you. We’ll talk to you soon.

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