Keep up with the progress of our garden and send us your updates and green thumb news on Facebook & Instagram using #GardeningGoodness and tagging @GreenGooHelps
April 8, 2022
After many moons of watering and waiting, our bulbs are finally blooming. For some reason the crocus didn't herald spring--as they usually do--so it looks like the tulips will flower first in our beds.
We planted dozens of bulbs this year and we can't wait to see which ones made it through this most recent and wild winter. If you have flowers blooming, we'd love to see them over on our Facebook and Instagram.
Time to harden the starts
We've had varying degrees of luck growing straight from seed in our veggie garden and we've learned a great way to get ahead of that is to start seeds early. Thanks to our 'Handy Dandy, Cheap-o-Matic, Indoor Greenhouse' set up (patent pending), we've been able to kick-start the growing process to give our seedlings a better-than-average chance of taking root. It's amazing what you can do with a little PVC, some plastic, and a few lights...and even less"
Right now we're hardening the young plants, which means turning off the grow lights and taking them outdoors every day to get them more accustomed to the natural elements and their regular sun schedule. It's a tough time for all of us. They grow up so fast!
Trying something new
We're experimenting with a hoop garden in the side yard. The neighbors say it won't work and, if we do grow anything, we'll probably just be feeding the local fawns, but we're determined. As long as the dogs don't dig it up we'll probably consider it a win no matter what happens!
One of the best things about gardening is that you never stop learning, and every patch of dirt is a little bit different. We've been planting with purpose our whole lives and we're still discovering more each year about the earth's bounty and how to work with it to Spread Goodness.
Gardening can be hard on the body -- Green Goo to the rescue!
This time of year we keep some very specific Green Goo around. We use Solar Goo natural sunscreen to keep the farmer's tan at bay. We keep a jar of Pain Relief close by for the aches and pains at the end of the day. You must have a tin of First Aid handy to deal with the blisters, skin tears, splinters, and bug bites you might get while planting. Incidentally, if you drop those three things in your cart, you'll qualify for free shipping!
April 14, 2022
What a weird week of weather! We finally got our first fully-bloomed flower! But we've also had crazy wind, big temperature changes, and midnight storms.
Hopefully, wherever you are, it isn't too crazy and your family is safe. We've heard folks are encountering everything from sand storms and tornadoes to snow! Spring came in like a lion for sure.
Putting the plants in the garden
After watching the weather and going through a fit of indecisiveness, we decided to bite the bullet and put our newly-hardened starts in the ground on this past weekend.
As you can see we've laid out a simple water line. Our little plant buddies may be a tad too close together, but we had so many plants. So we tried to get as many in as we could. We planted some leafy vegetables, carrots, beets, yarrow, and more. We also chose a section of hillside in the yard and planted hundreds of wildflowers! We're excited to see how everything grows.
So...the hoop house
We went with a fairly simple design. First, hammer some rebar in the ground. Then the PVC should fit right over. You bend the PVC into a U-shape, drop the other end over the corresponding rebar stake, and voila! Once the framework was up, we covered it in some semi-transparent plastic and used metal clips and zip ties to hold everything in place.
It looked great...until the wind kicked up again. Once the clips gave up we discovered we had made a giant kite. There were some fun moments in the side yard wrangling plastic, searching for clips, and trying to engineer in the moment. After the weather provided us a few opportunities to fix our design, we added some rocks around the bottom to help hold the shell in place. So far, so good!
Don't have anything in the garden yet? It's never too late to start! Click here for some fun ideas for your own herb garden.
Speaking of spring weather -- it can be tough for a lot of reasons
After the latest front came through we all came down with the sniffles. There's dust and pollen in the air and it's so dry right now. Luckily, we have Free To Breathe to help offer natural relief from congestion. That, a bunch of sleep, and plenty of water helped us get back on our feet quickly.
We also found we were reaching for your lip balm more this week, and that we needed more of our Dry Skin salve than normal to help us deal with windburn and help our skin stay hydrated and healthy.
Right now, if you added jars of Free To Breathe and Dry Skin, along with a pocketful of lip balms, to your cart, you'd qualify for free shipping (in the contiguous United States)!