A Season of Goodness Wrap-up

A Season of Goodness Wrap-up

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”

― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

What an honor and a privilege it has been to Spread Goodness with all of you! 

For us, the Season of Goodness was borne out of necessity. We had to do something, however small, to counter the negative energy that was building around the country and around the world. It’s been a painful and uncertain time, but amongst the fear and strain there have been daily acts of goodness and heroism. We knew we had to help these heroes, shine a light on their unsung courage, and that we were going to need help if we were going to expand our reach and do the most good.

We weren’t surprised to see all of you jumping on board immediately and Spreading Goodness too! From the stories you all shared, to donating your own prizes in some cases, to our partners asking if they could help spread the word and make a nomination too, we were overwhelmed by the response, quite literally. 

Thankfully we got ourselves organized and the giving, and sharing, and goodness was amazing. Looking back over the campaign it’s hard to believe how much we were able to do in such a short amount of time. It was a lot of work for our crew, but the rewards far outweighed the efforts. 

We donated over 10,000 units of hand sanitizer to philanthropic organizations across the country! Almost 750 of those were gallon jugs. Other notable donations include over 400 plant-based toothpastes and almost 350 natural deodorants. We gave away more than 400  skin care salves, and nearly 350 lip balms, in addition to other soaps and personal care essentials. All together we were able to give over $100,000 worth of much needed products during the Season of Goodness with the lion's share of those donations going to people on the front lines of the fight against Covid-19. 

We’ve included a list of the incredible organizations we were fortunate enough to meet and help out, thanks to all of you. If you’re in a place where you can make a donation and spread more goodness, this is an outstanding place to start. 


Spread more Goodness:

BABY2BABY (Los Angeles, CA) - https://baby2baby.org/

Big Sunday (Los Angeles, CA) – https://bigsunday.org/

Brookwood in Georgetown (Georgetown, TX) – https://brookwoodingeorgetown.org/

Brown, Holmes and Milliken Insurance Agency (Bangor, ME) -

Cambridge Women's Center (Cambridge, MA) – https://cambridgewomenscenter.org/

Central Synagogue (New York, NY) - https://www.centralsynagogue.org/

Community Coalition (Los Angeles, CA) - https://cocosouthla.org/

Conestoga Valley Christian Community Services (Lancaster, PA) - https://cvccs.org/

CRPS Spoonies Care Packages (Pennsylvania) – https://instagram.com/crps_spoonies_carepackages/

East Hampton Volunteer Fire Department (East Hampton, CT) - https://www.easthamptonct.gov/fire-department

Elica Health Centers (West Sacramento, CA) - https://www.elicahealth.org/

Four Footed Friends (Indiana, PA) - https://www.fourfootedfriends.org/

Gallatin CARES (Gallatin, GA) - https://www.gallatincares.org/

Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity (Greeley, CO) - https://www.greeleyhabitat.org/

Habitat for Humanity of St. Vrain Valley (Longmont, CO) - https://www.stvrainhabitat.org/

Healthy In The Park (Oakhurst, CA) - http://healthyinthepark.com/

Homeward Alliance (Fort Collins, CO) - https://www.homewardalliance.org/

Laurel Advocacy & Referral Services, Inc. (Laurel, MD) - https://www.laureladvocacy.org/

Longmont United Hospital (Longmont, CO) - https://www.centura.org/locations/longmont-united-hospital

Lyons Elementary (Lyons, CO) - https://lyonses.svvsd.org/

New Legacy Home for Women (Lubbock, TX) - https://www.newlegacyhome.org/

Offices of Dr. Jess Ting | Mt. Sinai Hospital (New York, NY) - https://www.mountsinai.org/profiles/jess-ting

Open Hand Atlanta (Atlanta, GA) - https://openhandatlanta.org/

Unnamed Penn Medicine Hospital (Pennsylvania) - https://www.pennmedicine.org/

Pep Packs (Los Angeles, CA) - https://www.peppacksla.com/

Richard Petty Motorsports (Lexington, NC) - http://richardpettymotorsports.com/

Room at the Inn / Warming Center (Marquette, MI) - https://roomattheinn.org/the-warming-center/

Saban Community Clinic (Los Angeles, CA) - https://www.sabancommunityclinic.org/

Sleeping Bags for the Homeless (Milpitas, CA) - https://www.facebook.com/sb4thSV/

Sojourner Project (Minnetonka, MN) - https://www.sojournerproject.org/

Stevens-Swans Humane Society (Utica, NY) - https://stevens-swan.org/

Summit Tacos (Longmont, CO) - https://www.eatsummittacos.com/

Sunset Shores (Stratford, CT) - https://sunsetshoresct.com/

The Advot Project (Los Angeles, CA) - https://www.theadvotproject.org/

Thompson Consulting Services (Santa Cruz, CA) - http://www.thompsoncs.net/

Tohaali Community School (Newcomb, NM) - https://www.facebook.com/tohaalicommunityschool/

Town of Lyons (Lyons, CO) - https://www.townoflyons.com/

Turner Middle School (Berthoud, CO) - https://www.thompsonschools.org/turner

World Vision Dallas (Grand Prairie, TX) - https://www.worldvision.org/


If you’ve scrolled all the way down here, we want to say thank you; for the incredible gift that you are, for your energy, hard work, and grace, and for the constant reminder that we are in this together and that when we harness our collective goodness, there’s nothing that we can’t do. 

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