With social distancing advised and money tight, a staycation can be a fantastic alternative to a costly vacation. If you want your staycation to be a success, there are some things you can do. Don't miss out on a good time because you can't go far this summer. Get ready to have a blast - right in your own home.
Plan for Success
Planning is vital to a good staycation. Plan what you are going to do and stick to the plan. Don't fall back into your normal routine. It is easy to do. "I'm just going to check one little email. " Or, "What can it hurt to do some paperwork?" No falling back into your normal routine just because you are home.
Hire Some Help
The last thing you want to be doing on your staycation is cleaning. Consider hiring or bribing family members to take care of any real cleaning that might need to be done during your time off. Have someone else put out the trash or mow the grass. You’ll probably spend less for the help than you would have on gas. Rest and relaxation are key!
Make the Most of Meals
Consider the budget you would use if you were away and invest that into foods that you can turn into delicious dinners at home. If it's dinner for two, splurge on steaks and seafood. If it's a family deal, plan some fun-themed dinners and indulge in things you don't do on a regular basis. Think ice cream sundae bar or Taco Tuesday night complete with a piñata.
Plan For Souvenirs
Souvenirs are part of any vacation or family reunion, so why not have them from your staycation? New mugs are a great option. Family t-shirts, fun prizes for game night, or even small floral designs that will remind you of your time together are great ideas. Take lots of pictures. Making memories is what it is all about.
Pamper Yourself
Green Goo has a wonderful line of intimate products that can make your romantic staycation extra special Our massage oil is perfect for a relaxing evening. Just add the sound of crickets and a campfire and you’ll have yourself a perfect night
Your staycation can be magical and relaxing if you do a little planning and have some fun! Did we miss any great tips? Let us know how you prefer to spend time with your loved ones this summer while enjoying our plant-based skincare products!